Coconut Butter Superfood Bark

Coconut bark 1

Coconut bark 1

Coconut has got to be one of the cleverest, shit-hottest foods out there; between the water, the flesh, the oil and the shell it's a drink, it's a food, it's a moisturiser, it's a hair mask, it's a stylish bikini top when you want to channel desert island chic - seriously, is there nothing that magical fruit can't do? I for one, am a dedicated coco-loco groupie and I'd quite happily shake my coconut clad ta-ta's in its honour.It makes sense then that is one of my all time favourite superfood snacks. It's super quick and easy to throw together and makes then perfect little mid-afternoon fat-bomb snack when energy levels are flagging or as an after meal treat that's simple, satisfying and full of goodness for gorgeous skin and hair with no nasties.I don't bother with any sweetener as the coconut actually has a lovely natural sweetness of its own so it makes a great alternative treat if you're trying to eliminate added sugar from your diet and re-train your palate to enjoy appreciate more subtle sweetness that naturally occurs in foods.  

Get this stuff

3 C shredded coconut

1/2 C goji berries

1/2 C pepitas

1/2 C cacao nibs

Or, any other fun toppings your want to use to bling your bark 

Do this with it

The first, and really only significant step is to turn your coconut into butter and a high speed blender like a Vitamix  is really the best tool for the job. Just sling the coconut in and blend for 2-3 minutes until you have a creamy, glossy, liquid.  In saying that it can definitely be done with a bog-standard blender but it will take significantly longer, you'll definitely need to stop and scrape the sides down a few times and it may also be a good idea to give it a rest every few minutes so you don't cook your machinery.

Pour the liquid coconut onto a tray lined with baking paper so you have a relatively even spread then prinkle all the treats and tidbits on top.

Whack it into the fridge (or freezer if you're as impatient as me) to set, making sure it's on a level surface - there's nothing more heartbreaking than opening the door to find your beautiful treat dribbling woefully onto the floor like the sad remains of a drunk one night stand.

Hack into lumps once set and store in the fridge.

coconut bark 3

coconut bark 3