Get Hit By A Smoothie Criminal


I’m a hardcore smoothie devotee. It’s such a brilliant versatile breakfast, or in fact any meal and a ridiculously easy way to pack in maximum nutrition with minimal effort. All it takes is hitting go on a blender loaded with superfoods, fruit and veggies – I’m pretty confident that even the most broken-arsed among us can do that!I’ve discovered through a lot of experimentation that you can put just about any old shite in the blender and make it taste good. Okay, maybe not actual shite but you know what I mean. The trick is to break out of the bog standard boring banana smoothie rut. Granted, bananas have their place but there’s so many more sexy and interesting flavours to explore you’re really only limited by your creativity and imagination.And it’s not all about the fruit either; I’ve been pleasantly surprised by just how many veggies I can cram in without it tasting like a glass of pureed stirfry. Zucchini for example, is one of my staple ingredients, the mild taste has no impact on the end result and it adds a beautiful creamy consistency as well as notching up an easy serve of veggies to your daily quota.The term smoothie is probably a bit of a misnomer for the way I make them. Mine are more like thickies, as in so-thick-you-need-a-spoon consistency. To achieve that I keep all my fruit and veggies in the freezer, which has the double bonus of reducing fresh food waste that I despise. The prep couldn’t be much easier, just chop up any produce that’s getting past its best, bag it and freeze it and hey presto, you’ve got a great range of ingredients ready to go. I’m also a fan of foraging in the bargain bin at the fruit and veggies store; a few bumps and bruises are pretty inconsequential when it’s going to be blitzed to smithereens anyway!I'm going to share a few of my favourite blender brews with you but like I said, the options are pretty much endless so play around and see what you come up with.IMG_3683

Jaffa Breakfast Bowl


Bring the Beet Back - Beet & Berry Super Smoothie 
